Basically, there are 4 types.
Top-freezer refrigeratorsTop-freezer refrigerators are the most economical to buy and many still find this style of freezer section the most convenient. They are the most popular choice when it comes to capacity ranges.
Bottom-freezerThis model offers a choice of pull-out or door-access frozen food compartment. While some like this style of refrigerator, others do not. This style influences the ticket price considerably and models offering a bottom freezer tend to be in the larger capacity refrigerators.
Side by side refrigeratorsThis type of refrigerator offer lots of convenience when it comes to having more frozen foods easily accessible. They're very affordable, look stylish and the narrow door swing is a good choice for small kitchens. However, they are only available in models with 450L and above.
French-door refrigeratorsFrench-door refrigerators will cost you much more but with this style, it's easier to place trays and bulky items and they usually offer lots of cold food storage and an ample freezer compartment. You'll only find this style of refrigerator in the larger capacity models.
Discover Electrolux ranges of
refrigerators and find the most suitable product for your families.